
Monday, June 13, 2016


Today fans were overjoyed when Matt3756 the once beloved arcade loving Youtuber posted the below photo to his instagram with the simple caption "Got 'em!"

This discovery came in the midst of a 48 hour man-hunt for the fish the was loved by and inspired millions. Fans from around the globe praised Matt lauding him as a hero and sending their thanks and appreciation.
Several hours later in what can only be described as an act of pure savagery Matt posted the photo below.

As the hate comments pour in the head of the Department Of Justice had this to say, "We plan to prosecute him to the fully extent of the law we ask the patience be with the American people throughout this process because justice will be served."
Matthew was taken in custody at 1:45 this evening just as fans gathered to hold a candle light visual.
Dates for the memorial service have yet to be announced.   

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