
Monday, June 13, 2016

The Pope ordains Keemstar's new TV show

Filming for Keemstar's long awaited new TV show has entered its 8th week of filming and video stills from the reality show called 'Extreme Memeover' were released today.
Well I don't know about you guys but I'm excited because from the stills it looks like it will giving you more cancer than this website (and that's saying a lot because we are like stage 4) 
The show features Keemstar as host as he helps people realize there dream of become a "living meme". It also features a more in-depth look at the "misunderstood" YouTube star showcasing him having a colon extraction that is sure to warm your heart.

Even the Pope is excited for the show!

Extreme Memeover is set to premiere July 28th  2024 on the LOGO channel

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